
Schedule an appointment with a Cal Coast Financial 服务 Advisors to help navigate the market and develop a customized strategy. 


Our experienced and knowledgeable Financial Advisors offer industry experience and personalized service, designed to help you pursue your financial needs and 目标 — all in the convenience of a Cal Coast branch. 


不像许多大型经纪公司或银行的顾问, 我们的财务顾问带来同样丰富的知识, 而是在我们的加州分公司. Being a Credit Union allows us to spend the necessary time with each member - really getting to know your financial situation, 目标和需求,这样你就不会感到匆忙. Our advisors are problem solvers so you'll never get out-of-the-box solutions that may not make sense for you or your loved ones. 我们的承诺是为了你的最大利益, 不是我们的, so rest assured that the advice you receive from our advisors is confidential and secure. 




  • 退休计划
  • 大学储蓄
  • 收入/分配计划
  • 税收优惠的投资
  • 韦德体育开户退休账户,罗斯韦德体育开户退休账户,401(k)和403(b)计划

  • 共同基金、股票和债券
  • 固定年金、指数化年金和可变年金
  • 长期护理保险
  • 信托及遗产规划



加州海岸金融服务公司 has experienced and knowledgeable financial advisors available to meet with you in our credit union branches. 无论你是刚刚起步还是经验丰富的投资者, our financial advisors will provide you with the steps needed today to work toward securing your 退休 for tomorrow.

To meet with one of our 加州海岸金融服务顾问公司 for a consultation in a branch office near you, 请致电(858)495-1625.



Sandra Torres是加州海岸金融服务公司的财务顾问. Sandra is a seasoned industry veteran with over 20 years of financial services experience. She offers a wealth of knowledge and experience to help her clients pursue their financial 目标.桑德拉有一个以客户为中心的财务规划方法,并提供目标, 不偏不倚的建议和服务. 专门从事退休计划, she works closely with clients to develop customized financial strategies that incorporate 401K rollovers, 整笔滚转, 爱尔兰共和军管理, 养老金选择与养老金最大化.

Sandra is committed to financial literacy and enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience with individuals and groups on such topics as 资产配置, 退休计划, 财务管理, 大学计划和继任计划. She firmly believes that education can help individuals make sound financial decisions and takes every opportunity to ensure that her clients are well informed.

桑德拉在凤凰城大学获得工商管理学士学位. 她目前持有她的系列2,7,9,10,63和65注册. 此外,她还是特许退休计划顾问(CRPC®)。.

CA保险许可证# 0C06947

在加州注册从事证券业务, AZ, CO, IA, MD, MO, MT, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, TX, VA, 和佤邦.


凯尔·约翰逊,aam®, CFP®、财务顾问


凯尔·约翰逊,aam®, CFP® is a Financial Advisor for 加州海岸金融服务公司.

Kyle earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 业务/Economics with an emphasis in Accounting from the University of 加州, 圣芭芭拉分校. In addition to his Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and  Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS®) designations he currently holds his Series 7 and 66 registrations as well as the CA life and health insurance license.

除了他多年的专业教育, 凯尔一直从事金融工作, 自2010年起担任会计和投资. His years of real world experience across multiple industries has uniquely equipped Kyle with the 工具 needed to educate and empower his clients on their financial journey. 无论你是韦德体育开户, 企业主或家人, 凯尔花时间与客户打交道, 制定公正的, 全面的财务计划,量身定制的韦德体育开户需求, 目标, 风险偏好. 从风险评估和组合分析到投资, 大学储蓄, 退休, 资产配置, 以及继任计划, 凯尔负责金融服务. Kyle is passionate about making a positive financial difference for his clients and is committed to ensure that anyone that walks into his office will be in a better place when they leave.

CA保险许可证# 0L67486

在CA, AZ, FL, ID, IL,和TX注册做证券业务.




柯蒂斯·安德森是加州海岸金融服务公司的财务顾问. 通过他的顾问生涯, 他以教育客户为荣, 培育合作环境, 帮助客户实现他们的目标. 他的专长包括税务和遗产规划, 投资组合管理, 赞助计划, 退休计划, 以及行为金融学. Kurtis currently holds his series 7 and 66 licenses and is pursuing his CFP® certification.

Kurtis earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in business from the University of Colorado. 他是一名海军陆战队老兵,热衷于回馈社区. 在业余时间, he helps the San Diego Padres organization with downtown cleanups and local charity events. 库尔蒂斯也是一个狂热的水手,高尔夫球手和户外运动者.






理查德·博伊德,APMA®是加州海岸金融服务公司的财务顾问. With an Economics degree from University of Colorado and over a decade of experience in the finance realm, Richard在综合财务规划方面拥有深厚的专业知识, 包括税收和遗产规划, 投资管理, 商业计划策略, 以及分配计划. 值得注意的是, Richard proudly holds the Accredited Portfolio Management Advisor Designation (APMA®) and is in the process of completing his CFP®. 另外, 他持有6系列手枪, 7, 63, 65个注册, 以及加州人寿和健康保险许可证(ca# 0M39354). 

理查德的哲学植根于建立和培养财务信心. 他相信财富管理应该采用整体方法, 强调个性化规划, 主动资产管理, 以及与第三方合作伙伴的无缝协调, 在必要的时候. Richard重视与客户的长期合作, 帮助家庭应对生活中无数的挑战和机遇. 他擅长的是全面、整体的规划,而不是事务性的建议.

在办公室之外,理查德是一个狂热的户外运动爱好者. 和他交往多年的女友还有他们的狗一起, 博尔德, 他喜欢远足之类的活动, 钓鱼, 和野营. 另外, 理查德是个运动爱好者,经常看到他在看足球比赛, 打高尔夫球,在拉霍亚指导他的青年长曲棍球队, 加州. He enjoys traveling and seeing different areas of the United States any chance he gets.




June-David (J.D.行政助理


June-David (J.D.)卡拉曼是加州海岸金融服务公司的行政助理. J.D. started off as a Teller for Cal Coast before being promoted to a 韦德体育开户 Financial Representative. 他善于发现会员的需求并建立长久的关系. 在他和卡尔·科斯特在一起的时候,J.D. has specialized in helping members achieve their financial 目标 by delivering exceptional service, 协助他们的贷款/账户和其他产品. 

J.D. aspires to be a Financial Advisor so that he can continue to guide members towards their financial 目标. 他目前持有SIE执照和Series 7.

Check the background of investment professionals associated with this site on 美国金融业监管局’s BrokerCheck.

透过 美国证券公司.,成员 美国金融业监管局/SIPC. 通过PFG顾问提供的咨询服务. 加州海岸金融服务,加州海岸信用合作社, 美国证券,和PFG顾问是独立的实体. 美国证券 其代表不提供税务或法律建议. 由Premier 信任 (Ladenburg Thalmann的子公司)提供的信托服务.

点击 在这里 PFG顾问的关系摘要副本(表格crs)
点击 在这里 索取一份 美国证券公司关系摘要(表格crs)

为研究公司和金融专业人士提供免费简单的工具 投资者.政府.CRS, which also provides educational materials about broker-dealers, investment advisors, and investing.

未投保NCUA 不是信用社担保 可能失去价值

This site is published for residents of the United States and is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security or product that may be referenced herein. Persons mentioned on this website may only offer services and transact business and/or respond to inquiries in states or jurisdictions in which they have been properly registered or are exempt from registration. 并非本网站提及的所有产品和服务在每个州都可用, 管辖权或从每韦德体育开户的名单.

本通讯仅适用于居住在加州的韦德体育开户, AZ, CO, FL, ID, IL, IA, MD, MO, MT, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, TX, VA, 和佤邦. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside the specific state(s) referenced.



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